Clarksdale High School holds College Fair


    By Josh Troy
    Clarksdale Advocate

    Clarksdale High School students were able to get a better idea of the direction they would take for the next step of their life after graduation at a college fair in the gym this morning. Schools at the fair included the University of Memphis, Southern Miss, Lemoyne-Owen College, Tougaloo College, Jackson State University, Mississippi State University, Ole Miss, Coahoma Community College, Mississippi Valley State University, and Delta State University. The United States Marine Corps Recruiting Service was also present. Hornburger-Byas Funeral Home did a presentation on mortuary science.

    Students were able to get materials from all the and learn about the different programs and scholarship opportunities. “The purpose is to expose students to the college realm,” said CHS graduation coach Tre’Shawn Malone. “They may not know exactly what program they want to participate in, but the purpose is to expand their knowledge.” Malone is a 2015 Coahoma Agricultural High School, 2017 Coahoma Community College, and 2019 Delta State University graduate. He earned his Master’s Degree from Delta State in 2021 and is pursuing his doctorate at Delta State.

    Malone acknowledged that some students might want to pursue their education at a school further away from Clarksdale. He specifically said he is connected to a recruiter at the University of Redlands in California.
    “We don’t just let it go unturned,” said Malone about faraway schools. “We reach out to them. If students want to go abroad, we assist them with that.”

    Malone said the majority of schools have an application deadline in December and expect an answer on whether or not the accepted applicants plan to attend by the following May. Malone said having the college fair in March, more than one month before having to give an answer in May, can help seniors decide what school to attend in the next academic year.


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