Federation Towers residents celebrate ‘Lisa Campbell Day’


    By Josh Troy
    Clarksdale Advocate

    Residents of Federation Towers, a low-income housing facility for the elderly and handicapped in Clarksdale, showed love for their manager on Valentine’s Day. A surprise celebration was held at Federation Towers for its resident manager Lisa Campbell on Tuesday afternoon in conjunction with Valentine’s Day. The residents declared Feb. 14, 2023 “Lisa Campbell Day.”

    Federation Towers resident Ora Washington came up with the idea to recognize Campbell for her efforts and read a tribute. The tribute said, “We, the Residents at Federation Towers, would like to acknowledge our wonderful Manager, Ms. Lisa Campbell, for caring, always giving to everyone, and always going above and beyond the call of duty. She is a God sent for the elderly and angel desire. What a wonderful world we would have if we treated and thought of each other like Ms. Lisa Campbell. We acknowledge you on his day with love on February 14, 2023 dedicating this day to Ms. Lisa Campbell Day for always going above and beyond the call of duty.”

    Washington has been a Federation Towers resident for two years and said Campbell loves the residents. “We’re recognizing our manager for all the good deeds she does for us and how she helps the residents and makes us feel like we’re still part of the world and community and stuff,” Washington said. “We go fishing and stuff like that. I decided we should do something for her, and I wrote a poem to recognize her.” Washington said Campbell gives the residents birthday gifts, stays up at night cooking Thanksgiving dinner, decorates every door for Christmas, and plays games such as bingo with the residents.

    Campbell has been the Federation Towers resident manager since Aug, 2011 and said she had yet to have a whole day dedicated to her before.“That’s a blessing for someone to recognize you and give you a whole day,” Campbell said. “I appreciate you all. I really, really do, and, as Ms. Ora said, I do love you all. I love each and every one of you all. I don’t always like you. Like is a temporary thing. Love is a permanent thing, and my love for you is permanent, and I really appreciate it. I appreciate you all showing me you love me and taking the time to tell me.”

    Campbell said a good friend of her’s died around this time a couple of years ago, and she went on Facebook to issue everyone an “I love you” challenge. She said the residents did not know it but accepted the challenge by showing her they loved her on Tuesday. Dr. Mary Frances Dear-Moton, Family and Youth Opportunities Division Inc. Founder and current Coahoma Opportunities Inc. RSVP director, worked with seniors and has a relationship with Washington. Washington contacted Dear-Moton asking for help to organize an event recognizing Campbell.

    “Ms. Ora called me, and she said, Dr. Moton, I’ve been trying to wonder who would help me get something together,” Dear-Moton said. Dear-Moton said Washington told her the Lord just put it in her spirit to call her, but she did not have any ideas for a celebration. Washington had already written her tribute, and Dear-Moton organized the rest of the event. “I love Lisa,” Dear-Moton said. “Lisa and I, we bond together. My first time working for RSVP for Coahoma Opportunities, Lisa had been on our board for a while, so she helped me. Everything I’m getting ready to have for RSVP, I already call Lisa because I know she’s going to help. They love you Lisa, and I love you, too.”

    Mayor Chuck Espy talked about all of Campbell’s hard work at Federation Towers.“You can always tell the real people from the fake folks,” Espy said. “The fake folks show up every now and then, but Lisa has consistently done this the whole time I’ve ever known her. And guess what? You can hear her talking a lot, but guess what she says at the end of the day? She’s going to get it done. And that’s what you love, the spirit of a person who says we can do it, and she’s put all that love and attention into you guys.”

    Steve Gamble, Robert Grand Master for Joshua Grant Lodge of the state of Mississippi and member of the Robert Grant Lodge of Clarksdale, said his organization and Federation Towers both work with the elderly.
    “We come over and help with whatever she asks for – Christmas, Thanksgiving,” Gamble said. “Whatever she calls for, that’s what she comes to do. All she has to do is give me a phone call, I tell the brothers, and we get together, and we come in.” Jordan Sledge is retired from the Clarksdale Fire Department and has been there for Campbell when she asked for his help. “For Ms. Lisa, somebody is going to show up (when she asks for help),” Sledge said. “Ms. Lisa, this is your day. Enjoy it, and happy Valentine’s Day. We enjoy working with you.”


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