Hamburger plates being sold to benefit Murphey family


    By Josh Troy 

    Clarksdale Advocate 

    Hamburger plates are being sold to benefit Clarksdale Ward 2 Commissioner Ken Murphey and his family. Murphey is currently in the hospital, and the money raised will go towards paying his medical expenses. Tickets are $10 per plate, and the food will include hamburgers and chips.

    The drive-through pickup for the plates of food is from 5 to 7 p.m. on July 10th at the Clarksdale Fire Department central station located at 221 DeSoto Ave.

    “Ken works hard for the city,” said Training Chief Hunter Rybolt. “His work shows how much he loves the city. We’re thankful to have him, and we’re praying for him to get well. He has the respect of the fire department, and we know he works hard for the city. We’re praying for him to get well.”

    The deadline to purchase a ticket is June 30th. Tickets can be purchased at the central fire station on DeSoto Avenue, at Flower Bouquet and Interiors on Lee Drive, at Willow Botanical & Goods on Third Street, or from a Clarksdale firefighter.

    “If you know a local fireman, call a local fireman,” Rybolt said. “You can come by the central station, or you can call the central station.”

    Plates can also be purchased electronically by sending money through Cash App to Rybolt at $Hrybolt. Anyone purchasing a plate through Cash App is asked to include their name and specify that it is for a hamburger plate. A list of names of everyone who paid through Cash App will be available at the drive-through pickup. Anyone who pays through Cash App will be able to give their name at the drive-through pickup and receive their plate.

    Rybolt said the goal is to sell 1,000 tickets. “We’re already off to a great start in two days,” he said.

    Anyone looking to make a larger contribution to benefit Murphey and his family may stop by First National Bank and speak to one of the bank tellers.

    Those with questions about buying a hamburger plate may contact the Central Fire Station at (662) 627-8486, Fire Chief Rocky Nabors at (662) 313-0358, or Rybolt at (662) 902-6184.


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