County ahead of schedule on four-year plan for paving roads


    By Josh Troy

    Clarksdale Advocate

    Paving Anderson Boulevard in Clarksdale is part of the Coahoma County Road Department’s four-year plan. According to County Road Manager Otis Griffin, the department is currently paving Anderson Boulevard and has recently completed work on Friars Point Road in Clarksdale. “We’ve always had problems with Friars Point Road,” he said. “They’ve been reporting issues there for years.”

    The road department has also resealed Fava, Sage, and Bennett roads, all located in Clarksdale. “We have a comprehensive four-year plan,” Griffin said. “Therefore, we have a lot of work to do since many roads need to be repaired. We’ve already done a lot of work, and this is just part of it. We’re also digging ditches, installing culverts, and cutting grass in around 15 to 16 different locations in the county.”

    The Coahoma County Road Department is ahead of schedule on its four-year plan. “Last year, we accomplished a lot,” Griffin said. “We almost completed two years’ worth of work in one year, so we’re a little over halfway through the four-year plan. We’re currently assessing some roads that need attention. As roads deteriorate or issues arise, we add them to the four-year plan. But we’re already ahead of schedule.”

    The City of Clarksdale and Coahoma County are collaborating to complete the paving of Anderson Boulevard. “This is a joint effort between the city and county to pave the road from the railroad tracks to State Street,” Griffin said. He also expressed gratitude towards the Clarksdale Police Department for ensuring smooth traffic flow during the paving of Anderson Boulevard. “This road is incredibly busy and dangerous, and I appreciate the Clarksdale PD for their assistance with this project. Without them, someone could have been hurt.”

    Griffin mentioned that Flowers-Catalina Road in Clarksdale and Matagorda Plantation in Jonestown are also slated for paving in the near future. He encouraged citizens to report any areas that require paving. “If you see something, say something. Let us know if something needs to be done so we can investigate. There are several roads in the county that are in bad shape, and we’ve added them to our list. We’re doing our best to address them.”

    If you’d like to see a particular street paved, please contact the Coahoma County Road Department at (662) 624-3024.


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