Supervisors allocate $150,000 of ARPA funds to Care Station


    By Josh Troy 

    Clarksdale Advocate 

    The Care Station in Clarksdale has been providing meals to the needy for more than 30 years. The Coahoma County Board of Supervisors assisted in the effort to help those who cannot afford meals by unanimously agreeing to allocate $150,000 of American Rescue Plan Act funds to the Care Station at Monday’s meeting. The money will be used for general repairs and replacement of equipment.

    The Care Station’s official name is Clarksdale-Coahoma County Ministries Inc. “I think we’ve done our due diligence to submit a grant proposal, and so that’s why I’m back today,” said Care Station President Charlie Estess. Estess said he sent the necessary PDF documents to County Administrator Kim Seals and conferred with ARPA Consultant Andrew Smith and the North Delta Planning & Development District.

    Coahoma County received $4.2 million in ARPA funds. Smith told the Supervisors that Care Station representatives did everything they needed to be eligible to receive the funding. “I have everything I need,” he said. Smith said there were a few minor details on the paperwork that needed to be completed as of Monday, but he had everything he needed for the Supervisors to approve allocating $150,000 toward the Care Station. “Based on the information they submitted, the application was well done, and it has everything that we need to satisfy the application process,” he said.

    Estess initially requested $145,500, but Smith recommended allocating $150,000. The Supervisors took Smith’s recommendation and allocated the $150,000. “My recommendation is it be for $150,000 because of the bidding and things they have to do,” Smith said. “Everything they identified will require either the formal bidding process or at least getting two quotes.”

    As the necessary papers were signed during the Supervisors meeting on Monday, Estess expressed his appreciation. “I want to thank you all,” he said.


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