Service organizations give veterans plates of food on Veterans Day


Two organizations honored servicemen and women by serving them plates of food on Saturday, Nov. 11, in the south annex of the Clarksdale Civic Auditorium. Hagar Court #9 Daughters of Sphinx and Nobles of Ismailia Temple #8 provided plates of food to veterans and their spouses. Each individual received one plate of food, and up to 100 plates were given away.

To receive a plate of food, individuals only had to present their ID to confirm their status as a veteran or the spouse of a veteran. The plates included rib tips, chicken, dressing, green beans, corn, cake, rolls, and greens.

“It’s always good to give back to the public, to the community, engaging with the community year-round,” said Kimberly Eckles, the Most Worthy Grand Matron of Hagar Court #9 Daughters of Sphinx.

“I think it’s a good thing because it’s essential to give to charity,” added Russell Stanberry, Potentate of Nobles of Ismailia Temple #8 in agreement. “It’s something we do year-round, and I believe it’s a positive initiative.”



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